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my fabulous and crisis-free (well, mostly) weekend

As you may recall, I worked in our LA office from Wednesday through Friday, then stayed with friends over the weekend for a little non-work LA time! It’s been a while since I had that.

We already know that day 1 and day 2 really kind of sucked. Luckily, days three and four were far superior to the rest of the trip.

Here’s why.

The Running Green Girl

I got to spend the weekend at the house of my very best LA friend the Running Green Girl. She’s so damn cute.



The Accommodations

I slept on this bad boy all weekend. Yes, those are camouflage sheets, on an airbed. Bed fit for a queen!



The Coffee

RGG and I met up with my new LA friend GT for coffee, after I got some fan-tab-u-lous new sunglasses.


I learned that they put these spikes on top of Starbucks signs and light posts to prevent birds from landing on them, and making quite a spectacular mess on all the well-to-do Manhattan Beachians.


RGG did demonstrate, however, how I curl my hair with my amazingly high temped curling iron, using my electronic cigarette as a prop.

The Ladies’ Night

I had a ladies night on Friday night with RGG and my OTHER very best LA friend LS! We stayed in Manhattan Beach for the evening, at a bar called Summers and then another bar/restaurant called Panchos, which apparently has karaoke some nights (!).




The Selfies

During this outing, I spent a significant amount of time teaching RGG how to take selfies. This was a first attempt:IMG_2972and a second:IMG_2973Finally I had to help:


You’ll notice a decided lack of PEOPLE in the first two, which resulted in the best advice I can give regarding selfies:

Turn the camera to face you. If you don’t see yourself in the screen, you will not be in the picture.

You’re welcome.

The Shopping & Pampering

I got a manicure and pedicure on Saturday, and a whole crapload of free makeup from Ulta Beauty. Woot! I am waaaaaaayyyyy too lazy to take illustrative photos right now, so you’ll just have to take my word for it.

I went shopping at my favoritest clothing store and got some FANTASTIC deals. I’ll maybe post some full length pics later but for now we’ll just say that I got: The. Hottest. Dress. Ever.


Really not trying to toot my own horn here but I sooooo love it and it made me feel fabulous.


I also got this interesting device called a body chain, which I finally got untangled and wore all night…and then realized the next day that I’d left the tag on. Superb.


Lastly, I tried the mongolian grill in the mall. I was quite proud of myself, but not so pleased with the lady that poured oyster sauce in without asking. Blech.


The Getting Ready

I got to use RGG’s zombie apocalypse gloves when curling my hair, which prevented further burns to my person quite efficiently.


I learned that RGG gets frustrated when waiting for 2N to finish getting ready, zombie-glove-excitement notwithstanding.


The “Clubbing”

Saturday night I went out with RGG and my other OTHER very best LA friend SS. We went to my absolute favorite Hermosa bar, FFFF’s, which I have blogged about on many an occasion. Sadly (and completely surprisingly) I took NO PICTURES this night and have to rely on the collection of shot glasses photo taken by RGG.


I’m sure you noticed the literal and figurative quotes around clubbing…This is because, earlier in the day I had this idea that I wanted to go to a club. Not that I know what that even means, but it sounded so Southern-Californian and I really thought it would be fun.

Unfortunately, my plan was foiled by SS and RGG, who convinced me of the following:

The Uber-ing

Guess what else? I Uber’ed not once but twice! If you don’t know what Uber is (don’t feel bad, I didn’t either), it’s a system set up where people can register to give rides to other people, and you can schedule an Uber to get where you need to go. You register your credit card with the phone app, and you don’t have to call a cab or carry cash! It seems like there are so many things that could go wrong here, but my two (2!) Uber experiences worked out quite well.

IMG_3048I now feel like a true So-Cal-ian.

The Beach

I went to the beach!




RGG made an executive decision and brought these, which were…not great.

The Burn

Because this is a 2N uNsiNkable blog post, you know that I can’t make it through even a fantastic weekend without some crisis or other. So I am sure the RIDICULOUS SUNBURN I got at the beach on Sunday comes as no surprise to you.

I don’t care. I own it.

There will be no selfies for the next few days, however.

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