being mom

i really can’t believe it’s come down to this.

THIS young man started HIGH SCHOOL this month. There's no other way to say it. I'm getting old. Since it's now my official job to highly embarrass him as greatly and as often as I can: I'm so stinking proud of him. He's doing so well, and he's so smart, and handsome (naturally). I look… Continue reading i really can’t believe it’s come down to this.

friends and fambly · throwback thursdays

throwback thursdays (vol. 13): in honor of the Kid

This week being the Kid's birthday, I thought I'd dredge up a post about he and I from way back. In the same spirit, today's TBT picture is from waaaaay before I started blogging, in fact before he was born. Yes, that's me. Yes, I'm pregnant. And yes, I'm in a Winnie the Pooh costume.… Continue reading throwback thursdays (vol. 13): in honor of the Kid

being mom · throwback thursdays

throwback thursdays (vol. 4): on boogers. oh, and ovaries too

This is one of my favorites not because it's written exceptionally well (it's really not), but because every time I read it, I remember this conversation and how funny it was. My son may not appreciate me sharing this with my own small section of the internet, but, well...we'll deal with that if it happens.… Continue reading throwback thursdays (vol. 4): on boogers. oh, and ovaries too

being mom · deep thoughts · friends and fambly

my mom. and a psa.

PSA As you may know, I've been spending time over the last several weeks moving my downloaded MySpaz blogs here, to my fabulous new blog site. What I didn't realize is that anyone subscribed to this blog is getting a notification every time I posted one, even though I thought I was being terribly clever in backdating… Continue reading my mom. and a psa.