travelin' · work

a recap of the latest trip…in pictures!

So, if you’ve read anything I’ve written over the past week, you’re probably aware that I spent Monday through Friday traveling to Nashville and then LA. The good news is, I took a bunch of pictures to document the fun times had by all! I know you’re excited.

In Nashville, a group of coworkers-slash-friends and I hit downtown Nashville. I don’t know about you, but for a Monday night I was pretty surprised to see the turnout…




I learned that Nashville bars have some really unique decorating techniques:




The next day it was a morning meeting and then a flight to LA, where I partook in the dinner of champions (namely, Chef Boyardee Cheese Ravioli in a tomato and meat sauce. Microwaved.):



This evening of culinary delights was followed up with a significant amount of meetings, a blog about sanitized hotel cups, and another evening out with coworkers-slash-friends, followed up by a slightly-buzzed selfie waving hi to my absent Denver peeps.




I also managed to burn my arm (!) with my wand-style curling iron. Iron: 1; 2N: 0.



On the way to the airport I forgot to top off the gas tank of the rental, but I did get the lunch of champions (following in the tradition of champion-ish snacks this week):


Getting to the airport today, it was an uneventful wait for my plane, two hours of napping in my cozy window seat, and a spectacular sunset upon landing in Seattle.




The Dog was, as ever, so excited to see me that I couldn’t get a still photo of him:



And now, because I love blogging and blogging loves me, I write this with my glass (completely) full:


PS: I bet the words-to-pictures ratio in this post is highly irregular, but come on, all you looked at was the photos right?

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